GRP Rowing: Year-round Elite Training Opportunities

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Craftsbury Outdoor Center is excited to announce the launch of a new program for post-collegiate rowers focused on pursuing their full athletic potential and competing at the highest level of the sport. The Green Racing Project is designed primarily to fill the gap that exists after collegiate rowing, and serve as a bridge from collegiate racing to national and international level competition. Most rowers won’t reach their peak performance levels until after their collegiate careers, yet it is difficult to afford basic living expenses while focusing one’s efforts to training as a full time athlete. This program hopes to provide a long-term training situation that also allows an athlete to develop and use other skills, specifically those related to the mission of the Craftsbury Outdoor Center, on a part-time basis.

The Green Racing Project rowers will work with Lead Coach, Dan Roock, who recently coached the Dartmouth lightweight men's 8+ to a silver medal at the 2012 IRA National Championships. Roock has also coached at the National team level, as well as at Cornell, Princeton and other programs. Coach Roock is excited at this opportunity to work with athletes on a more individualized year-round basis than is possible in a collegiate program.

The Green Racing Project was initially launched as an elite nordic ski team in the winter of ’09 with the dual goals of developing international caliber skiers and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. Participating athletes work on projects related to the mission of the Outdoor Center which is:

    -to support and promote participation and excellence in lifelong sports with a special focus on rowing, nordic skiing, and running,
    -to use and teach sustainable practices, and
    -to protect and manage the surrounding land, lake and trails.

A small initial class of Green Racing Project athletes have been accepted to date, and the program is currently accepting applications for qualified athletes, with a goal of accepting a few more before the winter. Current team members include Emily Dreissigacker, Phil Henson, Kyle Lafferty and John Graves.

Athletes interested in the possibility of joining Craftsbury’s new year-round residential training and racing program, should consider participating in the upcoming Fall Training and Racing Program which will run from September 1 through the end of Fall racing. This program is designed to give athletes an opportunity to try out Craftsbury—and Craftsbury an opportunity to try out athletes.

To learn more about the Green Racing Project, the Craftsbury Outdoor Center, please visit the website or email Interested athletes can find application materials here and basic FAQs here.
Green Racing Project Website, with FAQs and Application

GRP Rowing: Year-round Elite Training Opportunities

The Craftsbury Outdoor Center is excited to announce the launch of a new program for post-collegiate rowers focused on pursuing their full athletic potential and competing at the highest level of the sport. The Green Racing Project is designed primarily to fill the gap that exists after collegiate rowing, and serve as a bridge from collegiate racing to national and international level competition. Most rowers won’t reach their peak performance levels until after their collegiate careers, yet it is difficult to afford basic living expenses while focusing one’s efforts to training as a full time athlete. This program hopes to provide a long-term training situation that also allows an athlete to develop and use other skills, specifically those related to the mission of the Craftsbury Outdoor Center, on a part-time basis.

The Green Racing Project rowers will work with Lead Coach, Dan Roock, who recently coached the Dartmouth lightweight men's 8+ to a silver medal at the 2012 IRA National Championships. Roock has also coached at the National team level, as well as at Cornell, Princeton and other programs. Coach Roock is excited at this opportunity to work with athletes on a more individualized year-round basis than is possible in a collegiate program.

The Green Racing Project was initially launched as an elite nordic ski team in the winter of ’09 with the dual goals of developing international caliber skiers and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. Participating athletes work on projects related to the mission of the Outdoor Center which is:

    -to support and promote participation and excellence in lifelong sports with a special focus on rowing, nordic skiing, and running,
    -to use and teach sustainable practices, and
    -to protect and manage the surrounding land, lake and trails.

A small initial class of Green Racing Project athletes have been accepted to date, and the program is currently accepting applications for qualified athletes, with a goal of accepting a few more before the winter. Current team members include Emily Dreissigacker, Phil Henson, Kyle Lafferty and John Graves.

Athletes interested in the possibility of joining Craftsbury’s new year-round residential training and racing program, should consider participating in the upcoming Fall Training and Racing Program which will run from September 1 through the end of Fall racing. This program is designed to give athletes an opportunity to try out Craftsbury—and Craftsbury an opportunity to try out athletes.

To learn more about the Green Racing Project, the Craftsbury Outdoor Center, please visit the website or email Interested athletes can find application materials here and basic FAQs here.
Green Racing Project Website, with FAQs and Application

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