Dark Horse Comics - New Release Reviews For February 29, 2012 Read more: http://technorati.com/entertainment/article/dark-horse-comics-new-release-reviews

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Not only is there a rocking extra day in the month of February, there are some cool releases from Dark Horse Comics this week including the new Angel & Faith and Usagi Yojimbo comics. Titles are scored on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the very best possible. We take the time to read these books so your time isn't wasted.
Angel & Faith Season 9 - Issue 7
Though the cover art was fine, the interior art just seemed off. It did everything it needed to do but it still came up a bit short in effort. This issue was back-story heavy and is rewarding for long time fans but will be confusing for new-comers.
Nothing seemed like it could compare to the shock of the return of a mentally sane Drusilla in last issue. However, once her motives became clear, a major point about Gilles was revealed that changes the tone of the series. Faith's reuniting with her father came in starts and stops.
Score: 7.5 out of 10
Usagi Yojimbo - Issue 144
This series continues to be the book all others are compared with. Though not quite as good as last issue, the story is treated with reverence. Even the recap of the prior issue seemed natural. A bit more combat focused than some issues, the reader is reminded that the world is full of complicated people and the good guys don't always win.
Score: 8 out of 10
Star Wars Crimson Empire III : Empire Lost - Issue 5 (of 6)
Very few of the monthly Star Wars comics being offered by Dark Horse are truly must-reads. Crimson Empire is not one of those series. Other than a rather exciting middle portion, everything else was boring politics and angst film arguments. Even the cliffhanger the issue opened with was not surprising at all. The artwork is terrible in both the cover and interior. Worst of all it's just not fun.

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