Principles of Management

Friday, January 14, 2011

i.          planing
ii.        organizing
iii.      leading
iv.      controlling

a)        Figurehead
b)        Leader
c)        Liaison
d)       Monitor
e)        Discriminator
f)         Spokesperson
g)        Entrepreneur
h)        Disturbance handler
i)          Resource allocator
j)          Negotiator

i.          Technical skills
ii.        Human skills
iii.      Conceptual skills

The use of scientific methods to define that "one best way"for a job to be done.

1)              develop a science for each element of an individual's work to replace the old rule-of-thumb method.
2)              scientifically select and train,teach and develop the worker.
3)              Heartily cooperate with the workers so as ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principle of science that has been developed.
4)              Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers.

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